Scientific Advisory Committee - 12th Session
Budva (Hotel Splendid Becici), Montenegro, 25-29 January 2010

GFCM Secretariat (FIPI - FAO HQ): Mr SROUR, Abdellah | GFCM-Secretariat
Invitation ( | English | Français | Español) | Meeting Registration | Hotel Registration
General information | Transportation | Format for the preparation of national reports
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/1
    Provisional Agenda and Timetable ( | English | Français | Español)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/2
    Review of the activities carried out by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) during the intersessional period (English | Français)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/3
    Conclusions and Recommendations of the four SAC Sub-Committees
    (English | Français)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/4
    SAC Preliminary Workplan for 2010 (English | Français)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.1
    Provisional list of documents (English | Français)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.2
    Provisional list of participants (English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.3
    Report of the Thirty-Third Session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) (Tunis, 23–27 March 2009)
    ( | English | Français)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.4
    Report of the Eleventh Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) (Marrakech, Morocco, 1-5 December 2008) (English-Français)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.5
    Report of the Tenth Session of the Sub-Committee on Marine Environment and Ecosystems (SCMEE) (Malaga, Spain, 30 Nov.-3 Dec. 2009)
    (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.6
    Report of the Tenth Session of the Sub-Committee on Statistics and Information (SCSI) (Malaga, Spain, 30 Nov.-3 Dec. 2009) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.7
    Report of the Tenth Session of the Sub-Committee on Economic and Social Sciences (SCESS) (Malaga, Spain, 30 Nov.-3 Dec. 2009) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.8
    Report of the Eleventh Session of the Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment (SCSA) (Malaga, Spain, 30 Nov.-3 Dec. 2009) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.9
    Report of the Coordinating Meeting of the Sub-Committees (CMSC) (Malaga, Spain, 4 December 2009) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.10
    Salient research activities in Member Countries (English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.11
    Report of the SCSI/SCSA Transversal Working Group on GFCM Logbook (Rome, 29 June-1 July 2009) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.12
    Report of the SCMEE/SCSA/SCESS Transversal Working Group on Selectivity Improvement and Bycatch Reduction (Tunis, 23-25 September 2009)
    (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.13
    Report of the SCSA Working Group on Stock Assessment of Demersal Species (Ancona, Italy, 19-23 October 2009) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.14
    Report of the SCSA Working Group on Stock Assessment of Small Pelagic Species (Ancona, Italy, 26-30 October 2009) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.15
    Major activities of the FAO regional projects (English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.16
    Draft glossary of scientific terms of interest for the SAC
    (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.17
    Draft document on updating the SAC reference frame and establishing a medium term strategic plan for the future (by J.J. Maguire)
    (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Inf.18
    Draft paper: Short communication on Climate change and its impact on fisheries and Marine ecosytems in the GFCM Area (Camilleri M. & De Young C.)
    (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Dma.1
    Draft paper on the alien species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. (by O. Bayram) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Dma.2
    Draft compendium of GFCM decisions (by GFCM Secretariat)
    (Available only in English)
  • GFCM:SAC12/2010/Dma.3
    Climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture: overview of current scientific knowledge. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No. 530. Rome, FAO. 2009. 212p (Cochrane, K and all) (only in English)