GFCM - Compliance Committee
CGPM - Comité d’application
Third Session
Tunis, Tunisia, 23-27 March 2009
For any further information please contact Mr Srour, Abdellah (email) GFCM Deputy Executive Secretary
> General Information (English | Français)


COC:III/2009/1 Provisional Agenda (English | Français | Español | )
COC:III/2009/2 Status of Implementation of GFCM decisions by Members (English | Français | )
COC:III/2009/3 Management of the List of vessels authorised to operate in the GFCM area and issues related to data condidentiality (English | Français | )
COC:III/2009/4 Status of the Compendium of GFCM decisions (English | Français | )
COC:III/2009/5 Draft Recommendation (revised) concerning minimum standards for the establishment of a VMS system in the GFCM Area (English | Français | )
COC:III/2009/6 Proposal to amend the Recommendation GFCM/2006/4 on the establishment of a list of vessels presumed to have carried out illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the GFCM area (English | Français | )
COC:III/2009/Inf.1 List of Documents (English | Français)
COC:III/2009/Inf.2 Terms of reference of the Compliance Committee (English | Français)
COC:III/2009/Inf.3 Draft Compendium of GFCM decisions (available only in English)
COC:III/2009/Inf.4 Report of the Second session of the Compliance Committee (English | Français)
COC:III/2009/Inf.5 Report of the ad hoc Working Group on VMS as a MCS tool (Rome, Italy, 23 September 2008) (Available only in English)

GFCM - Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00153 Rome, Italy