GFCM - General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
Transversal Workshop on Fishing Capacity

FAO HQs, Rome, Italy 17-19 February 2010

GFCM Secretariat (FIPI - FAO HQ - Rome, Italy): Mr Srour, Abdellah | Mr Camilleri, Matthew

Agenda | List of Hotels in Rome | Information for Delegates to Meetings at FAO Headquarters

Presentations at the meeting
Overview of Consultant’s report based on available literature and information submitted by Members
(by Matthew Camilleri, GFCM Secretariat)
Managing Fishing Capacity: Instruments, Global Trends & Options
(by Rebecca Metzner, Fisheries Officer, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department)
Management of Fishing capacity Under the Common Fisheries Policy
(by Olga Armeni, EC Directorate General for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs)
Management of Fishing capacity Under the Common Fisheries Policy
(by Encarnación Benito Revuelta, General Secretariat of the Sea Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs)

GFCM - Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00153 Rome, Italy