Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) - 7th Session
Rome, Italy, 8-10 March 2011

GFCM Secretariat (FIPI - FAO HQ): Mr MASSA, Fabio | GFCM-Secretariat
Meeting Registration Form | Hotels in Rome | General Information
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/1
    Provisional Agenda ( | English | Français | Español)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/2
    Trend and issues of marine and brackish Mediterranean aquaculture
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/3
    Intersessional Activities (2009-2010) (English | Français)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/4
    Proposed programme of work 2011-2012 (English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.1
    Provisional list of Documents (English | Français)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.2
    Provisional list of Participants
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.3
    Review of the major recommendations of the Thirty-Third and of the Thirty-Fourth Session of GFCM concerning aquaculture (English | Français)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.4
    Report of the Sixth Session of the Committee on Aquaculture
    (Albania 17-19 December 2008) (English-Français)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.5
    Report of the Thirty-Third Session of GFCM (Tunisia, 23-27 March 2009)
    ( | English | Français)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.6
    Report of the Thirty-Fourth Session of GFCM (Greece, 12-17 April 2010)
    ( | English | Français)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.7
    Report of the Third Coordinating Meeting of the Working Groups (CMWG) (FAO-HQ, 24-26 February 2010) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.8
    Report of the Fourth Coordinating Meeting of the Working Groups (CMWG) (Malta, 27 November 2010) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.9
    Report of the Eleventh Session of the Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SIPAM) (Turkey, 9-10 December 2009) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.10
    Report of the Twelfth Session of the Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SIPAM) (Malta, 23-25 November 2010) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.11
    SIPAM Production statistics - Quick Start Guide for National Coordinators
    (Rev. Version: November 2010) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.12
    Report of the WGSC-SHoCMed Workshop on Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA) (Spain, 18-20 October 2010) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.13
    Report of the WGSC-SHoCMed meeting on Environmental Quality Standards for marine fish farms (Malta, 23-25 November 2010)
    (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.14
    Report of the meeting on marketing data scheme and data collection for sustainable aquaculture (Malta, 22nd November 2010) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.15
    SHoCMed: Narrative Report of the First Year of Activities
    (Rev.Version: November 2010) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.16
    Report of the WGSA-InDAM meeting on “Definition of Regional minimum set of indicators for Sustainable Aquaculture” (Malta, 25-26 November 2010)
    (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.17
    InDAM: Narrative Report of the First Year of Activities
    (Rev. Version November 2010) (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Inf.18
    Report on the Performance Review of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and Black Sea (Available only in English)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Dma.1
    Synthesis of Mediterranean marine finfish aquaculture - A marketing and promotion strategy (GFCM Studies & Review No. 88)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Dma.2
    Present market situation and prospects of meagre (Argyrosomus regius), as an emerging species in Mediterranean aquaculture (GFCM Studies & Review No. 89)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Dma.3
    Indicators for sustainable development of finfish Mediterranean aquaculture: highlights from the InDAM project (GFCM Studies & Review No. 90)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Dma.4
    Draft document before editing: Site selection and carrying capacity in Mediterranean marine aquaculture: key issues (WGSC-SHoCMed)
  • GFCM/CAQ/VII/2011/Dma.5
    Measuring the contribution of small-scale aquaculture: an assessment
    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No. 534. Rome, FAO. 2009